Do you need some advice / help?
Have you ever wondered why you might be struggling to keep up or win more customers?
At NotionWeb one thing I’ve learnt is you need to set yourself goals and deadlines and stick to them. From experience there has been tendency to put things off until another day. Then suddenly you are bombarded all at the same time.
As NotionWeb reaches its first year of operating I wanted to share some tips with other business owners out there to help you.
1. Have a backup plan.
Make sure you have a backup plan in case anything goes wrong. Always having a plan b. This includes hardware and PC data. If you do happen to come across an issue with your IT in Wiltshire contact Danny Lake Laptop PC Repair
2. Provide good customer service.
Respond in a timely manner, whilst being mindful that your potential customers are also busy running their business, so be mindful on how you communicate with them. I am a big promoter of customer service and people do not like to be kept waiting. If you promise something make sure you can deliver it and be honest from the start.
3. Never lie and stick to your word.
If you cannot do something or are unable to provide a certain part of a project, say so. Honesty is one of our values. The worst thing you can do is over promise and under deliver. You lose credibility straight away if you do this. I have worked with so many sales people who do just that. They tell a client they can do what you are asking just to sell and then further down the line you cannot deliver it or have the technical ability to do it.
4. Make it easy for potential clients or customers to contact you.
If you do not have easy communication channels you simply drive customers away. Those customers then tell others which will impact you. Make sure you have easy communication methods.
5. Build positive word of mouth.
To build a positive word of mouth about your business relates back to communication. Answer your emails promptly and ensure you have tools in place to ensure potential customers know your SLAs and response times.
6. Ask for testimonials from your customers.
This helps with trust factors and lets your potential new customers know you are reliable and not a liability. Publish these on your website or send them the link to your google my business page reviews section.
7. Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool and can make or break you. Ensure you have good processes in place to deal with complaints. Customers can simply turn to social media if you do not engage or respond to their concerns. Always say sorry if something has gone wrong. The number of businesses that use corporate speak and deny they have done anything wrong is incredible. They often use generic responses to complaints. DON’T DO THIS. Make your communications personal to each problem and customer do not put them into a box. Develop your own social media strategy and this will hopefully encourage more visitors to your website and get people talking more about your business.
8. Complete a SWOT analysis of your business.
If you are not sure how to do this get in touch and I can help you do this.
Fundamentally you need to know which direction you are going in or want to go in. You then remove those barriers from getting in your way of achieving those goals.
9. Review Costs & Expenses
It is so common to have subscriptions for everything to help run your business. Often when new you think you need the singing and dancing subscription with all the bells and whistles. STOP, review what you need and if you are spending too much on something shop around for cheaper solutions. This sounds like basic stuff, but you would be amazed the number of businesses that still don’t do this.
Here is a tool that I love and been a game changer for accounting. It has an integrated feature MTD.
(Making tax digital) – This allows your accounts to be sent electronically to HMRC. No more spreadsheets and everything is backed up on their cloud server. – Free for small businesses and only £15 plus vat a year for bank feed feature add on. This enables you to create purchases directly from your bank account or credit cards saving time. Quickfile has an awesome app that allows you to take photos of receipts and manage accounts on the go also. This product is FREE for up to 1000 ledger entries.
10. Be Open Minded & Digital Online
Try to be open minded as much as possible. Being flexible and able to change direction and pivot at the last minute is so important especially after the COVID19 pandemic.
If your website is not getting you customers, please get in touch. I can look at why this could be happening and provide advice.